Ari Lamstein

Upcoming Talk at SF Python Meetup

I am delighted to announce that tomorrow (June 12) I will be speaking at the SF Python Meetup about my Covid-19 Demographics Explorer app. This talk is quite exciting for me as it will be my first talk about a Python project I have done. (After a decade of programming in R, this feels like a big milestone!)

My talk is titled “A Streamlit App to Explore how America Changed During Covid” and will run about 15 minutes. The breakdown of the talk is:

  • Walking people through using the app (~5 minutes).
  • Walking people through how the app works. Here I will assume that the audience has no prior knowledge of Streamlit. I will explain the major components of the app, how Streamlit works and give pointers on how to learn more.

The talk should be of interest to anyone who wants to learn about demographic changes during Covid, and anyone who wants to learn the basics of Streamlit.

You can register for the meetup here. I hope to see you there!

Ari Lamstein

Ari Lamstein

I currently work as a Staff Data Science Engineer at a marketing analytics consultancy. I have 20 years experience developing software in areas such as data science, web development and video games. I have also worked as a technical trainer and independent consultant.

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