Tutorial Recap: Make a Census Explorer with Shiny

On July 28 I had the pleasure of leading a tutorial titled Make a Census Explorer with Shiny! at the San Francisco R-ladies Meetup. A big thank you to Gabriela de Queiroz for organizing the event, Sharethrough for hosting it, and all the participants for attending. If you are interested in seeing the slides, you can do so here. If you are interested in seeing the final app that we made as part of the tutorial you can do so here. If you don’t know what Shiny is, or why one would want to use it to make a census explorer, you can click here. Here is a screenshot of the final app.


Converting the Tutorial to a Course

I’ve mentioned in the past that I am interested in creating an online course. I think that this tutorial would make a good course, and I am currently looking into production options. I should have more details in a few weeks.

Recent Guest Blog Posts

I recently had the pleasure of writing two guest blog posts:

  1. 5 Steps to Create an R Package Email Course on Revolution Analytics. One of my goals is to help R programmers raise awareness of their work. I found that creating a course about my packages was an excellent way to do that. In my case over 500 people took my course in its first month, which is an order of magnitude larger than I expected. Hopefully this post helps some R programmers.
  2. Mapping County Demographic Data in R on GIS Lounge. Caitlin Dempsey Morais was kind enough to cover the launch of my course on GIS Lounge. I was flattered that the GIS world might have an interest in my work. I decided to write a short tutorial post to help further cross the bridge betwen the R and GIS worlds.
Ari Lamstein

Ari Lamstein

I’m a software engineer who focuses on data projects.

I most recently worked as a Staff Data Science Engineer at a marketing analytics consultancy. While there I developed internal tools for our data scientists, ran workshops on data science and mentored data scientists on software engineering.

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