Learn to Map Census Data in R

Today I am happy to announce a new free email course: Mapping Census Data in R. You can sign up here. The course is designed to provide similar information to what I covered in my tutorial Analyzing US Census Data with R. In short, it will teach you how to create choropleth maps of US demographics such as this1:


The course has five email lessons, with three days between each lesson. The lessons are:

  1. Introduction. An introduction to the dataset we’ll use, a basic review of R, etc.
  2. States. Creating choropleth maps of US State demographics.
  3. Counties. Creating choropleth maps of US County demographics.
  4. ZIP Codes. Creating choropleth maps of US ZIP Code demographics.
  5. Conclusion. Wrapping up, pointers to more information.

The course is intended as an introduction. If it becomes popular I hope to follow it up with a more in depth course on a site such as Udemy.

1: The R code to create that chorpleth map is:

[code lang=”r”]

df_county_demographics$value = df_county_demographics$percent_hispanic

state_zoom = "texas",
title = "Texas County Percent Hispanic\n2012 Estimates",
num_colors = 9) + coord_map()

Ari Lamstein

Ari Lamstein

I’m a software engineer who focuses on data projects.

I most recently worked as a Staff Data Science Engineer at a marketing analytics consultancy. While there I developed internal tools for our data scientists, ran workshops on data science and mentored data scientists on software engineering.

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