My abstract was recently accepted for the 2017 ACS Data Users Conference, and on May 12 I will be giving a talk titled Mapping ACS Data in R with Choroplethr. I am looking forward to attending the conference!
For those who don’t know, ACS stands for American Community Survey. If you have taken Learn to Map Census Data in R, or read my blog for a while, you will have heard me talk about this dataset quite a bit!
When building choroplethr I chose to focus on making the software package integrate smoothly with public data sources such as the ACS. While I like to think that I succeeded with that, the fact remains that the ACS is a very complicated dataset, and I don’t have a very sophisticated understanding of it. Attending the ACS Data Users Conference, I hope, will give me additional training and allow me to do much more interesting analyses involving US demographics.
The ACS Data Users Conference is free to attend, and will be held May 11-12 in Alexandria, Virginia. If you are planning to attend, please contact me so we can arrange to meet!