Ari Lamstein

“A Guide to Working With Census Data in R” is now Complete!

Two weeks ago I mentioned that I was clearing my calendar until I finished writing A Guide to Working with Census Data in R. Today I’m happy to announce that the Guide is complete!

I even took out a special domain for the project:

The Guide is designed to address two problems that people who work with R and US Census Data face:

  1. Understanding what data the Census Bureau publishes.
  2. Understanding what CRAN packages are available to help with their project.

The Guide details the five most popular datasets that the Census Bureau publishes. It also describes the seven most popular R packages for working with Census data.

The best part? The Guide is free, and lists ways for you to continue learning about both the datasets and R packages that it mentions.

A special thank you to the R Consortium for funding this project!

I hope that you enjoy reading the Guide!

Read the Guide

Ari Lamstein

Ari Lamstein

I currently work as a Staff Data Science Engineer at a marketing analytics consultancy. I have 20 years experience developing software in areas such as data science, web development and video games. I have also worked as a technical trainer and independent consultant.

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