Faster Admin 1 Maps in Choroplethr

A new version of ChoroplethrAdmin1 is now on CRAN, and it dramatically speeds up making Administrative Level 1 maps in choroplethr. “Administrative Level 1” is just a generic term for “1st subnational division”. In the US this is called a State, in Canada it’s called a Province, and so on. Overall, this package contains Admin […]

“Mapmaking in R with Choroplethr” is now out!

I am happy to announce that my new course, Mapmaking in R with Choroplethr, is now available. In honor of its launch I am offering a 15% discount to anyone who purchases before January 1. You will also be able to attend a Q&A webinar with me on January 5th. Creating this course has been […]

Choroplethr, ggplot2 and R-Hub

Choroplethr v3.3.1 is now on CRAN. You can get it by typing the following from the R command line: [code lang=”r”] update.packages() [/code] Note that while the new version is now on CRAN, it sometimes takes a few days for all of the CRAN mirrors to update. If you are unable to get the latest version […]

New Course: Mapmaking in R with Choroplethr

Today I am happy to announce that my new online course, Mapmaking in R with Choroplethr, is now available for preorder. The course is designed to teach you everything you need to start your first mapping project in R using choroplethr. The course will teach you how to: Conduct exploratory analysis using maps in R Create 220 different maps, from US ZIP […]

How to Search for Census Data from R

In my course Learn to Map Census Data in R I provide people with a handful of interesting demographics to analyze. This is convenient for teaching, but people often want to search for other demographic statistics. To address that, today I will work through an example of starting with a simple demographic question and using R […]